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LandNow celebrates new partnership with Stockland

The recent signing up of major developer Stockland to the LandNow platform was celebrated at an event at the Public House bar in Perth. 

Around 65 guests from Stockland, Landnow and Perth's leading builders attended to learn about the projects Stockland will launch on the LandNow site, and the milestones each project are likely to meet over the next financial year.

Stockland are responding to surging Perth’s hot property demand by releasing approximately 1000 lots onto the market over the next 12 months.. 

By investing in new technology like LandNow during the current cyclical boom, they are ensuring they service their builder partners and create efficiencies so that when the market cools, they are best placed to strengthen their B2B networks.

At the event were the CEO of LandNow, Tony McEntee and from Stockland, Paul Szijarto, Sales Business Development Manager and Col Dutton, WA General Manager. 

“The builders attending the event were impressed that they can now access land and view its availability in real time because in the current market, there is a stock shortage and understanding what is available is a real challenge,” said Tony. 

Since the event, four new building companies have signed up to LandNow, demonstrating the value of the Stockland partnership.

“The Stockland integration showcases LandNow’s ability to connect with property developers of all sizes,” said Tony. 

“The LandNow system seamlessly links with property developer CRMs and inventory management systems in real-time to deliver a secure, rapid, and scalable solution for the property development industry.”

The API-first approach and cutting-edge architecture within LandNow enables swift deployment and smooth data flow, ensuring property developers can efficiently manage their land stock and connect with builders.

“LandNow does all the heavy lifting from a technology point of view,” said Tony.

“We’ve intelligently designed our platform to handle as much of the integration work as developers need, making the process a breeze for property development teams because we know they’d rather be developing new homes than wrestling with APIs.”

“The partnership with Stockland shows that whether you're a boutique operator or a national player, LandNow's platform is ready to transform your land sales process.”


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