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‘Landnow Pty Ltd’ (LandNow, we, us) is a business-to-business online SaaS platform which allows land developers, property marketing agencies, building companies and new housing consultants to list, manage and search for land availability in Australia. In operating our business, we are committed to complying with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) in relation to all personal information we collect, hold, use and disclose.

1) In what circumstances does this privacy policy apply?

This policy applies to any person about whom we hold, collect, use or disclose personal information from time to time (you). This policy applies to ‘personal information’, as defined in the Privacy Act. In broad terms, ‘personal information’ is information or an opinion relating to an identified individual or an individual who is reasonably identifiable. Information is not personal information where the information cannot be linked to an identifiable individual or where the information does not disclose the individual’s identity. We do not collect your sensitive information.

2) How do we manage the personal information we collect?

We manage the personal information we collect by:


  • implementing procedures for identifying and managing privacy risks;

  • implementing security systems for protecting personal information from misuse, interference and loss from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure;

  • ​ensuring the personal information is encrypted at rest and in transit;

  • providing staff with training on privacy issues and obligations;

  • implementing mechanisms to ensure any agents or contractors who deal with us comply with the Privacy Act and the APPs;

  • implementing procedures for identifying and reporting privacy breaches and for receiving and responding to complaints;

  • appointing a privacy officer within the business to monitor privacy compliance; and

  • allowing individuals the option of not identifying themselves, or using a pseudonym, when dealing with us, unless it is impracticable for us to do so.

3) What kinds of personal information do we collect and hold?

The kinds of personal information we collect and hold differs depending on who you are and your dealings with us.

If you are a prospective or existing purchaser, then we may collect the following personal information about you:


  • contact information such as name, email, phone number and email address;

    financial information, such as details regarding finance pre-approval for the purchase of land; 

  • property preferences; and

  • any other personal information required to provide you with the requested services or to assist us in establishing a customer profile for you.


If you are a building partner, then we may collect the following personal information about you:


  • contact information such as name, email, phone number and email address;

    financial information;

  • employment details;

  • credit information;  

  • banking details; and

  • any other personal information required to facilitate the relationship between you and us in connection with our work.


If you are a land owner, developer or consultant, then we may collect the following personal information about you:


  • contact information such as name, email, phone number and email address;

    financial information;

  • credit information;

  • banking details; and

  • any other personal information required to facilitate the relationship between you and us in connection with our work.


If you are a prospective or current employee, then we may collect the following personal information about you:


  • contact information;

  • information about your previous employment; and

  • your tax file number.

4) How and when do we collect personal information?

We usually collect personal information about you directly from you, for example:


  • from electronic queries or communications sent to us by you;

  • when you contact us (for example, via phone or verbally) or input information into the platform;

  • from online forms;

  • through your transactions with us;

  • through questionnaires you complete; and

  • through marketing and business development events.


Where it is unreasonable or impracticable to collect personal information from you directly, we may collect it from third parties, for example:


  • from our related bodies corporate;

    from your employer or the business engaging you when they register you as a representative on the platform or when we are requested by them to perform a system integration;

    from website cookies;

  • through referrals from individuals or other entities; and

  • from a referee, where you are a prospective employee.


If you wish, you may elect not to accept cookies on your browser. This should not adversely affect your experience when visiting our website.

5) How do we hold personal information?

We usually hold personal information electronically on secure online servers and software, our CRM database and through third party software providers. Occasionally, we may hold personal information in hard copy.

We secure the personal information we hold by:


  • Using secure archiving for some documents;

  • Ensuring the information is encrypted at rest and in transit;

  • Using secure servers to store personal information; and

  • Using unique usernames, passwords and other protections.  

6) Why do we collect, hold, use or disclose personal information?

The purpose for which we collect, hold, use or disclose personal information is to provide you with the best service experience possible on the platform. Unless we are otherwise permitted by the Privacy Act, we only use and disclose personal information for the primary purpose for which we collect it, which is generally to assist you in the sale, purchase and marketing of land. In the case of potential employees, the primary purpose the information is collected is to assess the individual’s suitability for employment. In the case of builder partners, the primary purpose the information is collected is to assist us in creating partnerships to perform our services. 


Personal information may also be used or disclosed by us for secondary purposes which are within your reasonable expectations and which are related to the primary purpose of collection, for example, for marketing purposes or to help improve our services, such as when we survey you.

We may also collect and use personal information in the following circumstances:


  • we may collect your date of birth, with your consent, to send you a gift on your birthday to thank you for using our platform;

  • we may collect your financial information to assess your suitability for using the platform and being represented on the platform;

  • we may collect credit information to assess your ability to pay the subscription fees;

  • we may give access to your personal information to allow another user to use the platform, but we will not disclose your confidential information;

  • we may use your contact details to invite you to our events, to provide you with sales and product updates that are relevant to you or your business and to provide you with market or sales offers, products and incentives;

  • we may collect customer profiling information, such as how users use the platform, times of day, frequency, session times etc, in order to assist us with improving the services;

  • we may use your personal information to offer to provide you with enhanced customer service; for example, if you are a buyer of property, we may collect your contact details from your builder and contact you to offer additional services, such as settlement agency services, landscaping, fencing etc; and

  • we may collect information about the type of lots being searched and purchased, the pricing of lots, which corridor is experiencing the most searches, where the most stock is being released etc to report general trends to the industry.


We might disclose personal information to:


  • our related bodies corporate, as permitted by the law;

  • external auditors and professional advisers, where permitted or required by law;

  • government bodies, where permitted or required by law;

  • other service providers or referral partners in order to provide the services to you, or to assist our functions or activities (such as law firms);

  • third party technology providers who assist us in providing the services.


From time to time, our website may contain links to other websites with whom we have an association. This may include industry related websites with whom we have an association. It should be noted that these websites may have a different privacy policy to our website, and you should check the privacy policies on their respective websites.

7) Will we disclose personal information outside Australia?

We are likely to disclose personal information to overseas recipients if this is necessary to providing our services. For example, we may provide your information to cloud storage providers or to our staff members based overseas. It is not practicable for us to specify the countries in which cloud storage recipients are likely to be located. Currently, we have staff based in Vietnam.

Access to information and correcting personal information

You should keep us informed about any and all changes to your personal information.


You may request access to the personal information held by us or ask us for your personal information to be corrected by using the contact details below. We will grant you access to your personal information as soon as possible, subject to and in accordance with the Privacy Act. In keeping with our commitment to protect the privacy of personal information, we may not disclose personal information to you without proof of identity.

We may deny access to personal information if:


  • the request is frivolous or vexatious;

  • providing access would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of another person;

  • providing access would pose a serious threat to the life or health of any person; or

  • there are other legal grounds to deny the request.


We may charge a fee for reasonable costs incurred in responding to an access request. The fee (if any) will be disclosed prior to it being levied.

If the personal information that we hold is not accurate, complete and up-to-date, we will take reasonable steps to correct it so that it is accurate, complete and up-to-date, where it is appropriate to do so.

8) Complaints

If you believe there has been a breach of your privacy, you may make a complaint using the following process:


  • The complaint must be firstly made to us in writing, using the contact details beow. We will require a reasonable time to respond to the complaint.

  • In the unlikely event the privacy issue cannot be resolved, you may take your complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

9) Who to contact

A person may make a complaint or request to access or correct personal information we have about them. We will take reasonable steps to ensure the personal information we hold is accurate and complete. Such a request must be made in writing to the following address or contact officer:


Privacy Officer:  Tony McEntee

Postal Address: The Privacy Officer

Landnow Pty Ltd

Unit 706, 61 Cambridge St

Collingwood, VIC 3066

Telephone number:  0433 690026

Email address:

10) Changes to the policy

We may update, modify or remove this policy at any time without prior notice. Any changes to the privacy policy will be published on our website.


This policy is effective from August 2023. If you have any comments on the policy, please contact the privacy officer with the contact details in section 9 of this policy. 

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